Between 2016 and 2017, views of video content on Facebook increased 258%, and the powers that be at both Facebook and Instagram have capitalized on this video revolution. If you aren’t taking advantage of the reach and engagement that video can bring to your brand’s social media profiles, what are you waiting for?

To help you out, we’ve put together a list of the best type of video to post for all of the different places video can be posted on Facebook and Instagram.


Short & Sweet

  • Instagram Stories

    • When creating videos for Instagram Stories, keep in mind that videos must be 15 seconds or less. You’re going to want to use the entire 15 seconds, and use it wisely! If you can’t get everything into one Instagram Story, use two or three, or consider recording your video to use as a post or on IGTV.
    • Use Instagram Stories to show quick behind-the-scenes type videos, short updates about your business, product, or service. You can also use apps and tools to create short videos to upload as an Instagram Story. If you’re not sure how to do that, here’s a quick guide to posting Instagram Stories.
  • Instagram Posts

    • Videos can also be used in regular Instagram posts. These videos can be as long as 60 seconds, but one minute is still a pretty short amount of time. The sweet spot, however, is around 26-30 seconds.
    • Use this to give a slightly longer update than an Instagram story. You can encourage viewers to visit your website or blog after giving them a short summary of what is new to check out.

Long & Informative

  • Facebook posts

    • While videos on Facebook can be long, Hubspot found that audiences engage with one-minute-long videos the most. However, Facebook is a great platform to experiment with longer-form videos to see what your target audience is responding to.
    • Keep in mind that many users are viewing your video on mobile, so vertical videos are the way to go, but aren’t required.
    • You’re also going to want to close-caption your Facebook videos because the majority of Facebook video viewers watch videos on mute! So, either add captions or create a visually appealing video that uses graphics to provide context. You can learn how to easily add captions to your video right inside Facebook here.
  • IGTV

    • Instagram TV, or IGTV, is Instagram’s latest major update. Videos on IGTV can be up to 60 minutes – yes, that’s ONE HOUR. Where Instagram Stories capture quick 15-second snippets, IGTV is where you can create long-form videos to tell a larger story about your brand.
    • Instagram is primarily a mobile app, and so is IGTV. That means you need to keep your videos vertical for maximum views and engagement.
    • A few examples of videos that are great to upload to IGTV are tutorials, product reviews, interviews, and behind-the-scenes videos.

Here & Now

  • Both Facebook and Instagram give you the ability to go live on their platforms. In order to decide which is best for your brand, check out your audience analytics to see which platform is going to reach the most people, and to pick the best time to go live. Each platform saves the live video as a post (Facebook) and Story (Instagram) so that viewers that don’t catch you live can still see the video.
  • Quick Tips For Going Live:

    • Promote your live video BEFORE going live! Let your audience know when to log in to see you live.
    • Practice before going live. Though it is okay if your live video isn’t perfect, you will be more relaxed and personable if you run through what you are going to be talking about prior to going live.
    • Encourage engagement by asking viewers for their questions or comments and answer them (as much as you can) while you are live.

Video is a necessary part of any social media marketing strategy today. Not utilizing video on Facebook or Instagram means your brand is missing out on reach and engagement! Even with a dedicated social media manager handling your accounts, your brand can still take advantage of the huge opportunity video provides. Let us know if you’d like to start incorporating more video into your marketing strategy.