Bob Dylan famously said, “The times they are a changin.’” While it’s a decades-old reference to political and social change, it definitely applies to the fast-paced evolution of social media content, which video has come to dominate. There’s no longer denying that the shift into video-dominated content is the new standard for digital marketing.

For small businesses, this can be an intimidating feat, and many tend to assume they don’t have the resources to make video content. Some are just scared of being on camera! Video isn’t going away, so we’re offering solutions to whatever reason you have for not incorporating video into your marketing strategy.

The New Business Landscape


The time is now for businesses to embrace video as the new medium for branding. People are consuming more video than ever. Sixty-two percent of the world’s internet users view digital video. As algorithms on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn place more value on video content, businesses need to make video a priority.

If you pass up this opportunity, chances are your competition will steal your audience, AKA your potential clients. Don’t risk losing your audience.

Be Authentic

Your audience wants real, honest delivery. They often overlook what people on camera would think is a mistake or a flub. Most people love that. Consumers want to purchase products from real people so be yourself.

There’s no need to be perfect. The main purpose is to not be a better version but your most real, authentic self. Before you start shooting, take some time to script out your dialogue and delivery, and practice before you begin. This small added step can be the difference between quality and frustration. Remember, just be human and people will connect with that.

Equipment Isn’t That Important

This doesn’t have to be a Steven Spielberg production.  A lot of people assume they need an expensive camera to create video content. That isn’t true. Smartphones have high quality cameras, and you always have yours with you! This allows you to shoot wherever you are without breaking the bank.


If you think about everyday conversations, most people don’t stare at each other, so don’t stare into the camera (that can be uncomfortable for viewers). While you’re shooting, be as in-the-moment as you can, and use body language. Look at the camera only every so often, this will help further the connection without any awkward “deer in the headlights” effect.

Practice, Practice, Practice

It’s important that you find your balance and focus, and be natural. Be concerned about your audience by being helpful and informative. This simple approach will automatically lend itself to revealing your authority.

As more platforms move toward heavy video content, it’s important that businesses don’t fight this trend. It’s actually easier to just adapt it!

With your knowledge of your business, your authority will shine through.
