Social media is a crowded avenue of platforms and content creators. It’s estimated that 81% of small and medium businesses are now using at least one social media platform, not to mention the 3.5 billion active social media users. 

When you’re trying to gain followers and sell your product through your company’s social media, the last thing you want is for your content to be lost among the noise. There are a few steps you can follow to help your posts gain visibility and popularity.

Try creating different types of content

Moving away from your “comfortable” content and creating something new can refresh your feeds and increase visibility. Try curating video content or writing a blog post instead of just focusing on caption content, which is typically shorter and can only go into so much detail about your products or services. By trying out different kinds of content, you will be able to determine the type of content you are best at creating. Generally, this is the type of content that will do best for your brand.

Be present on platforms with participation

Joining groups and participating in forums can not only help you stay on top of trending topics, but it can help you get your brand out there! Being present in these forums can help you create relationships with others and allow you to learn what kinds of content your audience enjoys seeing. This will allow you to bring valuable and entertaining content to your followers.

Your aesthetic is important

Yes, even with written content, how it’s designed and the way it looks matters. Jakob Nielsen reports that 16% of users read web copy word for word, while 79% read by scanning a page, picking out individual words or sentences. 

So how do you make sure your message comes across to readers? 

  • Organizing your content by placing your most important points first
  • Utilizing headlines and sub-headlines (yes, you can do this on Facebook, but only in posts inside Facebook groups)
  • Use bullet points (try using emojis as your “bullets”)

In the busy world of social media, standing out is vital to being seen and heard. Your competitors are likely on social media and so are your target customers! If you don’t currently have a social media strategy laid out to help you stand out on social media, utilize each platform correctly, and curate content, you and your business are missing out on a huge opportunity for growth!

We’re here to help.

Posse works with businesses of all sizes to create and implement a social media strategy that gets results. Let us know if you’re interested in seeing how we can help you today!